Using Fancy Fonts on Your Web Site

In the early days of the web we were limited to so-called web-safe fonts like:

Georgia, serif

Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Palatino, serif

Times New Roman, Times, serif

Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif

Arial Black, Gadget, sans-serif

Comic Sans MS, cursive, sans-serif

Impact, Charcoal, sans-serif

Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucia Grande, sans-serif

Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif

Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif

Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif

Courier New, Courier, monospace

Lucida Console, Monaco, monospace


If you weren’t satisfied with the list of web-safe fonts then you could use a graphical tool like Photoshop and make a graphical image with one of the thousands of fonts available. The only downside is that these graphical images were not really found by search engines, and updates took time and effort to create by a graphical designer.


Crafty engineers came upon a way to use Javascript to create fonts on the fly and Cufon offers a quick way for your web developer to get almost any True Type Font (TTF) onto your web site.


The number one search engine company in the world is the darling of web developers and they offer another free way to add fancy fonts to your web site.

Font Squirrel

Not to be outdone by the big guns, there’s a smaller site that offers a third way to use most any font on your web site.


Fonts can help further refine the look and feel of your web site, so they are a big deal from a design and impact point of view. You now have several ways to get fancy fonts onto your web site.

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