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New Artist Website Remodel

Art and technology go together, and if you love viewing oil paintings then please browse the newly remodeled site for Anna Lancaster. She came to me looking to refresh the look of her website and gain the control to make all of her own changes, instead of having to always contact a vendor to make changes. Anna wanted the Home page to have a slideshow with larger images, then thumbnails to show off the different categories of her work.

Anna Lancaster, home page
Home Page

The header of each page includes social media icons for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. When you click on one of the thumbnails it brings you to a Gallery page that uses a masonry style where each image fits into a column and has a title:

Anna Lancaster, gallery

Clicking on a galley thumbnail brings up a full-size painting with more details about it:

Anna Lancaster, painting details
Painting Details

To see more full-size paintings just click the Left or Right arrows. To stop looking at a full-size image click the X in the upper right corner.

Ann writes blog posts that include some of the locations that she paints from and her philosophy of painting.

Anna Lancaster, blog post
Blog Post

The site even looks great on a mobile device like your smart phone where you just have to scroll up and down to view the artwork:

Anna Lancaster, mobile

The site is easy to update using any web browser, and you login to a WordPress account, which is a free Content Management System.

So if your looking for some artwork to place in your home or office, then give Anna’s site a look, then contact her or the gallery to get pricing information.

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