I’m attracted to all types of automatic bill payments, because it means one less check for me to write each month so that I can concentrate on running my business and household. Our garbage provider is Republic Services and they have allowed me to pay my monthly bill by using a Visa card, automatically. It just happens, and then I get an email reminder of the amount due each month, but no action is required on my part. So far so good.
Today I received an email alerting me that Republic Services is changing their payment system, and an invitation to click a link and get registered with the new system.
After clicking the link it brought me to a web page telling me that their web site was down:
Hmm, this is the classic definition of a Catch 22. I’d love to signup with the new system, but their entire web site is down for maintenance. So what kind of company would issue an email with an inviting link, knowing that their web site was going to be down? Hmm, very poor timing or communication. But hey, Republic Services really knows how to pick up my garbage and recycle bins every Monday, like clockwork, so maybe I shouldn’t expect their IT department to have their act together.