Keeping Your Web Hosting Plan Updated
My website runs on the popular WordPress platform and is hosted at, formerly called All is well, at least until it's time to upgrade your web server language…
My website runs on the popular WordPress platform and is hosted at, formerly called All is well, at least until it's time to upgrade your web server language…
I read almost every week about a data breach at some large company, so then the bad guys may now have another one of my passwords, but what can I…
Online life is complex, so we may take a shortcut and use the same username and password for all of our online accounts, however if there is a data breach…
Like most small business owners I use WiFi at both my home office and client office, so today when I received an email from Netgear about my home office WiFi,…
I'm a big believer in keeping my office network secure by following all update instructions from Netgear, so today my WiFi router was updated to the latest firmware release…
Today I received an email from Netgear, my vendor for WiFi router used in the home office, so I read through it and decided to follow their security advice and…
In my home I use WiFi to connect my MacBook Pro to the Internet. Today I received an email from Netgear, the company that sold me the WiFi router, and…
Each morning after breakfast I start my work day by reading email messages to see what needs my attention or is urgent. This security message from Facebook stood out right…
I've used the free Skype app for several years now and it has allowed me to speak with other professionals in San Jose and Tokyo for free by using a…
In the past three weeks I've seen three friends get their online accounts taken over, also called being hacked:TwitterFacebookYahooThe intention of the hackers is typically one of the following:Impersonate youDirect…