It’s been widely reported in the past week that AT&T had a data breach involving some 7 million customers, both present and past. I left AT&T years ago for Mint Mobile, which has saved me hundreds of dollars per month on my mobile phones in the home and business. Today I just received the following official looking email, purportedly from AT&T and it looks legitimate at first glance with the logo, English grammar and blue colors.
The subject line was suspicious, because it used three random numbers. Next, I noticed that the email started out with Dear Customer, instead of my full name – Daniel Payne. Finally, when I clicked on the From address it was totally fake:
Even the button they wanted me to click for Sign In went to a fake web site, not
Remain suspicious, and double check email messages for these positive signs of authenticity:
- Subject lines that make sense, not with random numbers
- From address that has, not a phishing address like
- Includes my First and Last name, not Dear Customer
- Includes my account number
- Hyperlinks on buttons that direct to, not