In my web development business I have a need to use both Mac and Windows operating systems for browsing web sites, so one way to do that is by using a MacBook Pro with a version of Windows running virtually. What does virtual mean? Even though my hardware is a Mac, there’s a software company called Parallels that offers a product to let you install and use Windows on your Mac, although it won’t be running at full speed like on a dedicated PC. For web browsing this virtual solution is just fine for me, plus I get to continue using the Quicken software for my business accounting.
As Windows keeps upgrading versions and also Mac, I eventually have to upgrade my version of the Parallels software, so today I upgraded to version 12 of Parallels:
The upgrade process was pretty straight forward and I could download and start installing the software right away:
To keep me honest the install process has an activation code that is unique to my computer, so I don’t go around sharing commercial software:
Invoking Parallels version 12 there is one last app to install, Parallels Tools:
There you have it, Parallels 12 is all updated and I can use the latest version to run Windows 10 on my Mac: