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Kindle Restarts

Software Update from Amazon

Two years ago I bought my first e-book reader, the Amazon Touch, and have enjoyed reading books on this portable device. Many people today are asking if e-book readers are still relevant given the popularity of 7″ color tablets like the Nexus 7 and Amazon Kindle Fire devices. Since I own both a color Nexus 7 and Kindle Touch, I can tell you that my immediate preference for reading is the Kindle Touch because of how easy the text is on the eyes with the Kindle Touch compared to the glossy screen of the Nexus 7.

Today my Kindle Touch had a new document from Amazon and it alerted me to a new software update from Amazon where they updated the software. I was impressed that Amazon even bothered to update a 2 year old device, because most companies never update their devices with improved software features, instead they hope that you upgrade devices to get the new features which is certainly most costly for us as consumers. New features include:

  • A new user interface
  • Whispersync for Voice
  • Enhanced Parental Controls
  • Book Covers
  • Time-to-Read
  • Recommended Content
  • Enhanced book samples
  • Navigate graphic novels, and comics

After I read the notice from Amazon and let my Kindle Touch go to sleep then the update started.

Software Update
Software Update

Next, the Kindle restarts:


Kindle Restarts
Kindle Restarts

Finally, we see the update User Interface with icons for Back, Buy, Search, Settings:

Updated Kindle UI
Updated Kindle UI

Opening a book and clicking the Settings show some new features, like how much time to finish reading the book:

New Kindle Settings
New Kindle Settings

I have to commend Amazon for adding new features to the Kindle Touch, they really do care about their customers and continue to support us.

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