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Phishing email

Beware of this Quickbooks Phishing Scheme

I’ve been using Quicken software for decades now to run my business and personal financial tasks, so today when I received an official-looking email from Intuit Quickbooks I took notice.

Quickbooks phishing email
Phishing email

On the surface this looks a bit legitimate, yet when I probe to view the email from address it shows something invalid:


From address
Invalid address

The final determination that this is an unsafe phishing email is to hover my cursor over the Green button, View Bill Here:


bogus address
Bogus address


The bad guys are out there sending us phishing emails to trick us into clicking on their links and then start to steal our login identity. Don’t fall for it, just research the From address, Link addresses and then decide if it’s legitimate or phishing. Back to work for me.

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