The fish logo is a symbol of Christian faith. Thank God that I grew up in a household of faith, and at the age of 17 became born again, experiencing a spiritual awakening that introduced me to the Creator of the universe in a personal way.
God is absolutely Holy, however we are separated from Him because of our sin. To bridge the impossible gap between His holiness and our sin requires judgment.
Fortunately for us, He provided someone who was judged in our place, and His name is Jesus. You see, this Jesus took upon Himself the punishment for our sins by offering His life in our place.
He then rose victorious from the dead and now offers us a gift of eternal life with Him in heaven. We cannot work our way into heaven.What must I do to receive this awesome gift? I must admit my sin, ask God for forgiveness, accept Jesus as savior and lord, then confess it to another person.
Welcome into God’s kingdom.
Yes, WordPress is the number one Content Management System (CMS) in the world, with some 30% of the Web using it in 2019 to create and manage their online content. You may use WordPress with zero HTML knowledge, the look of the site is called a Theme and there are thousands of free and low-cost Themes to choose from. Web features are called Plugins, and there are tens of thousands of free or low-cost Plugins to choose from. The price of WordPress is free, because it is Open Source. WordPress is used for your entire web site, pages and blog posts. Enjoy.