I’m getting this error message when I try and browse my portrait photography site at www.danieljpayne.com this afternoon. After some detective work I discovered that I can successfully browse my .html pages and .jpg files, just no .php files.
Of course I called up my web hosting company to report the bug and had to put up with someone trying to speak English in almost a mechanical dialect. I had to ask for her to repeat what she was talking about and my frustration only mounted.
I tried to explain that I could browse everything except .php files, however she didn’t know what PHP meant. That is not a good match for someone answering tech support calls at a web hosting company.
I’m supposed to wait 60 minutes for them to reset something. Lord, give me patience.
So after an hour of waiting I'm still getting the error message. I did some Google searching to find out that a possible cause was PHP file permissions were not correct. I check the permissions and still no PHP working. Tech support on the 2nd phone call was more informed but couldn't fix anything, so it's getting escalated…
Tried SSH into my account and found that I can run PHP scripts OK! Yeah.
Must mean that something is broken on their server, nothing wrong with my PHP scripts or permissions. I'm feeling slightly better now.
Finally, my site is back up and running. It must have been done for 4 hours or so.