Ah, Monday morning, the least enjoyed day that starts out every week. I had a 9AM appointment with my physical therapist, but then they phoned to cancel and suggested that I reschedule for Tuesday. Hmmm. After breakfast I went to my office and clicked the mouse, which was supposed to wake-up my Apple MacBook Pro, instead I was met with the dreaded kernel panic message:

I bought this laptop about two years ago, so I think it’s still covered under the Apple Care program. Once the computer started up I dutifully filled out the report and sent the info to Apple engineers.

No computer operates perfectly all of the time, so buyer beware, I recommend purchasing that warranty on your new computer, especially if you use it in business and cannot afford to be without one for any period of time.
Well, at least my laptop is working again, so I can dive right into reading my client email messages and planning work for the day. Bonus, it’s a sunny morning in Oregon, how nice is that for October?