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Two New Email Scams to Avoid

Each morning as I start my work routine the first thing that I do is read the Inbox of my email to see which messages require my attention for the day. Today I received two new email scams that at first blush looked almost legitimate.

Domain Abuse Notice

That email subject caught my attention, because the last thing that I want is a web site that is infected by something malicious, so here’s what the entire email looked like:

domain abuse notice

The English grammar looked OK, however the first clue that this was a phishing scam was their request for me to download something by clicking a link. Any legitimate email would instead be coming from my web hosting provider, and they would have specific details like:

  • Account number
  • My first and last name
  • An actual corporate logo

This email is from a domain name called, and when you browse that site something comes up in Arabic letters, so this is not legitimate at all, you may safely delete this particular email.

Email Abuse Report

Ironically this second spam email has almost the identical type of subject line as the first email with a colon and a web site address in it:

email abuse report

The link in the Click Here is for a domain at, which is just another junk content web site. Also notice the international phone number area code. Just like the first email scam notice this one has no customer details:

  • Account number
  • My first and last name
  • An actual corporate logo

So the moral of this story is beware of warning email messages that prompt you to click or download a report without any account details. Be smart, be safe.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Christine

    Thank you for the information.
    I got the 2 emails today and was just a bit suspicious.
    They almost look real so I was worried.

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